- GeneExpressionSignature::exampleSetsample data, a subset of the C-MAP
- RevEcoR::RefDbcacheReference data for global metabolic construction The reference metabolic pathway data contains KOs, substrates and products, as well as a constructed reference global network, which used for metabolic network reconstruction
- RevEcoR::anno.speciesAnnotation profiles of seven well-studied oral species
- RevEcoR::gut_microbiomeAnnotation profiles of 116 gut prevalent species
- RevEcoR::kegg_bucMetabolic profiles of KEGG organism Buchnera aphidicola APS (Acyrthosiphon pisum) (KEGG organism code: buc)
- RevEcoR::kegg_ptrMetabolic profiles of KEGG organism Pan troglodytes (chimpanzee) (KEGG organism code: ptr)